Our group of companies is open to dialogue and we are interested to know your opinion about the activities of our enterprises. You can send us an e-mail with your proposals or suggestions for improvement, your constructive criticism and/or your opinion on the quality of our products and services. Also, please, be informed that procurement of cereals and oilseeds is carried out using different numbers than those used to sell other products.

Центральні офіси

UkrAgroCom LLC / head office

Ukraine, 28043, Kirovohrad region,
Holovkivka, 1, Soborna str

+38 (05235) 6-27-21

+38 (05235) 6-27-21

UkrAgroCom LLC / representative office in Kyiv

Ukraine, 01034, Kyiv, street.
Eugene Konovaltsev, 8, office 8

+38 (05235) 6-27-21

+38 (05235) 6-27-21

Hermes-Trading LLC

Ukraine, 01133, Kyiv, 32-B, Schorsa str.,
office 1020, floor #3

+38 (044) 220-04-44

+38 (044) 220-04-44

Закупка зернових та олійних культур

Central region

Southern region

Western region

Eastern region

18006, Cherkasy,
41, Chehova str., office #105

+38 (0472) 73-60-13

+38 (050) 341-77-31

54001, Mykolaiv,
15, Admiralska str., office #3

+38 (0512) 58-51-00

+38 (050) 394-70-91

+38 (050) 341-02-13

+38 (050) 394-15-16

21007, Vinnytsia,
16-A, Chervonoarmiiska, 2nd floor

+38 (0432) 55-68-44

+38 (050) 355-16-90

490044, Dnipro,
Shevchenko st. 10, of.513

+ 38 (0567) 32-37-97

+ 38 (050) 369-08-37

Central region

490044, Dnipro,
Shevchenko st. 10, of.513

+ 38 (0567) 32-37-97

+ 38 (050) 369-08-37

Southern region

490044, Dnipro,
Shevchenko st. 10, of.513

+ 38 (0567) 32-37-97

+ 38 (050) 369-08-37

Western region

490044, Dnipro,
Shevchenko st. 10, of.513

+ 38 (0567) 32-37-97

+ 38 (050) 369-08-37

Eastern region

490044, Dnipro,
Shevchenko st. 10, of.513

+ 38 (0567) 32-37-97

+ 38 (050) 369-08-37

Продаж цукру та міндобрив (Всі регіони)


+38 (067) 520-72-49


+38 (067) 521-22-13


“Svitlovodsk River Terminal”

“Sharivske” PJSC


Korolivske HPP LLC

UkrAgroCom LLC

“Oleksandriiskyi Sugar Plant” LLC

27500 Kirovograd region,
Svitlovodsk, 1-A Lisozavodska Str.

+38 (0523) 6-74-37

+38 (050) 488-22-11

Purchase of cereals:

+38 (0523) 6-74-37

Sales and buying of mineral fertilizers and PPP:

+38 (097) 005-99-44

28054, Kirovohrad region,
Sharivske, 2, Lenina Str.

+38 (0523) 56-26-43

+38 (050) 457-22-15

Purchase of cereals:

+38 (050 )629-22-29

Sales and buying of mineral fertilizers and PPP:

+38 (097) 005-99-44

HPP Dobronadiivske LLC

+38 (05235) 7-22-51

+38 (067) 520-28-32

Sales and buying of mineral fertilizers and PPP:

+38 (097) 005-99-44

28056, Kirovohrad region,
Korolivka, 1-B, Haharina Str.

+38 (05235) 7-35-85

+38 (050) 4572536

Sales and buying of mineral fertilizers and PPP:

+38 (097) 005-99-44

28020, Kirovohrad region,
Pryyutivka, 2-A, Korystivske shosse

+38 (05235) 4-05-97

+38 (050) 341-01-53

Purchase of cereals:

+38 (067) 521-28-58

Sales and buying of mineral fertilizers and PPP:

+38 (097) 005-99-44

28020 Kirovograd region, Pryyutivka,
15 Zhovtneva Str.

+38 (05235) 9-75-48

+38 (05235) 7-21-15

Purchase of cereals:

+38 (05235) 2-07-87


+38 (050) 450-39-39

Sugar selling:

+38 (067) 520-72-49

Department of land allocation:

+38 (050) 738-05-91

Department of сrop:

+38 (066) 512-31-29

Department of livestock breeding:

+38 (097) 463-71-57

Department of staff:

+38 (067) 697-59-90

зворотній зв’язок

Specify the topic:

Personal information:


How did you hear about us?

Your attitude to the question


+38 (05235) 6-27-21

Україна, Кіровоградська обл.,
с. Головківка, вул. Соборна, 1


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